Plymouth St in Lowell
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Housing Authority C - 16 PLYMOUTH ST
Three-Family Residential - 17 PLYMOUTH ST
Dept. Of Education (Doe) - Umass., State Colleges, Community Colleges (Non-Reimbursable) - 20 PLYMOUTH ST
Developable Residential Land - 25 PLYMOUTH ST
Dept. Of Education (Doe) - Umass., State Colleges, Community Colleges (Non-Reimbursable) - 3 PLYMOUTH ST
Dept. Of Education (Doe) - Umass., State Colleges, Community Colleges (Non-Reimbursable) - 30 PLYMOUTH ST
Single Family Residential - 36 PLYMOUTH ST
Two-Family Residential - 39 PLYMOUTH ST
Rooming And Boarding Houses - 9 PLYMOUTH ST
Dept. Of Education (Doe) - Umass., State Colleges, Community Colleges (Non-Reimbursable)